"Experiencing Technical Difficulties..."

OK, so I figured I would go see the Sex And The City movie, and then come right back and post for you guys and let you know what I really thought about SATC part deux... however, "I was experiencing technical difficulties", one of the Soapy Bubbles catch phrases. I used to use that phrase a lot in the past, but since I had switched phones and joined the throngs of crackberry addicts, I haven't really had to use the phrase much. I love my blackberry, I resisted the urge for some years, now I am not sure I can give it up.

I used it to look up the movie times and the nearest Regal Theathres to my location, and it worked out great, I even had time to window shop at the mall before I went in to the movie. I digress as usual, but you would have seen this post much sooner had my ac adapter for my hp laptop decided not to give up the ghost and I was computer less for a little over a week, so pardon my lateness.

In my opinion the movie was a total winner, you have to be a fan in order to truly understand and appreciate all the idiosyncracies and plots behind the storylines. I may just have to get the DVD/Bluray whenever they releasr it. I would love to tell you more, but I was so kindly asked by one of my followers not to reveal any of the juicy details of the movie, so as not to spoil it for anyone, I will simply say it was worth all of the $12 I paid to see it. (Boy do I miss the Universal 16 on Dequindre and 12 Mile Rd.) Anyway, if you are a fan, it is a must see and even if you aren't you should still see it... The antics of those four women had me LMAO!!!

But getting back to those technical difficulties, I think it's time for a new laptop, and I am considering, NB I said considering, getting a Macbook or an Ipad, I have always thought of myself as a "PC Chick" and I am still navigating my way around using a MAC, but this latest in a string of problems with my laptop has me thinking I might want to make that switch. A new laptop is definitely on the top of my wish list for this year, as well as a new blackberry, a new camera, a new flat screen TV, etc.,etc. All electronics, I have got to get up to speed and up to date. I have an affinity for HP products and think they are great, but me and my HP are having some issues right now, even as I type on her...Old Bessie, just ain't the same anymore. Decisions, decisions, anyone with some insight on the Macbook/Ipad or any other good laptop I might want to consider, please feel free to send a comment... See you next time as I pop another bubble...

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  1. MacBook...Yes!! Work on getting a better name for your PC...if I was named old bessie I wouldn't work either. Please don't name your Mac something so depressing.

  2. I will try to remember that! LOL Any name suggestions?

  3. Poppin Bubbles - yes,maybe naming your computer Bessie is hurting its feelings!! I would love a Mac Book but I haven't gotten around to getting one yet, who knows maybe for the new year!! I think your electronics want a divorce, so just walk away!! LOL!!

