Green Dating, Who Knew?

If you haven't heard by now, you must have been hibernating for the past couple years, but Green is the new hip color to be! For those who have always been environmentally conscious and protectors of Mother Earth, this is nothing new. The Green revolution is just our society's way of putting a commercial spin on what we should have already been doing as good stewards of the Earth. Everyday, we are encouraged to recycle, reuse shopping and grocery bags, buy energy efficient appliances and yes we are even encouraged to engage in "Green Dating".

I had never heard the term Green Dating until a couple weeks ago. I just happened to be logging on to a social networking site that I have been a member of for over a decade and there was this advertisment that popped up on my screen that said I should try looking for someone close by in my neighborhood- Try Green Dating. Now I know I should be more open minded about dating, after all I am single, but after seeing that, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Why would I want to do that? What if it didn't workout? Would I then be stuck with seeing this person all the time in my neighborhood? That must be annoying to say the least". Just the thought of dating someone who lived around the corner from me, would be horrifying.

Well being my nerdy self, I figured I would do some research on the topic, so of course I googled the words "Green Dating", and lo and behold I see quite a few results. I checked out a couple of the sites and it was interesting for me to note that it was more than saving energy and resources by dating someone who lived down the block. It was more so about single people trying to connect with other single people who have likeminded ideas and belief systems on the environment and how we can best take care of it. These people most likely are apt to be Veagan/Vegetarian, Composters, Recyclers, Drive Hybrid vehicles or ride bicycles, or even flush the toilet once a day, what they have in common is their love for the earth and a passion for preserving it for the future. I am not so sure I fit into that category/definition, and I do believe in recycling, but I don't think "Green Dating" is for me... but for those of you who are and are sinlge, here are some of the sites where you might find yet another green dater like yourself.

And there are other similar sites out there, but these were at the top of the list. Now usually when I am looking for information, I usually head on over to, they always seem to have a plethora of information on everything, but surprise surprise- Nada, zilch, nothing! You guys are slipping over there at Wikipedia, you are missing an entry for Green Dating, get with the times... Even I am trying and I know I take my time about getting around to doing stuff.

One thing though, and it might just be the skeptic in me, but the verdict is still out on Green Dating for me, cause it seems to me that these green daters would conserve a little bit more energy by turning their computers off and taking a walk outside or going for a bicycle ride to the park, maybe they might meet somebody??? That's just the thought I had, but let me know what you think... until the next time consider this bubble popped!

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  1. What the H to the E to the C to the K is going on here??? Poppin Bubbles, you are giving us a treat!! Do I see two posts in the same week...its great to have you back and green is always the way to go --- just don't know if green dating is quite for me!! Yikeess..

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. LMAO, you are silly as hell, whatever! Seeing that the technical difficulties had me under the weather, I am just glad I was able to share... don't worry I will get back in the swing of things and you won't have to miss me...

  3. guess what!! i know you are such a great blogger, so you have an award on my blog!!!

