On My Mind Lately...

Well it's been a minute since I have had a chance to sit and write, I knew this blog thing was going to work out better than my journal for me, 'cause the level of guilt I feel when I have missed a couple (ok so its more than just a couple) days is not the same. It is not that I have not had some stuff come up that I feel passionately about, it is just that I have not had a moment of quiet to write and just let my thoughts flow, in their natural state... I was going to write about the state of the City and the incinerator issue, but then I thought who cares... and then Spirit Airlines (for anyone who knows me, they know I love flying off some where for a quick trip) decided they were going to come up with a new way to make more money off of us travellers and I wanted to vent about it, but then I forgot about it, when something else took up my thoughts...And then I was on one of my addictions, facebook and a certain person who I was talking to at one point put up a blog full of BS, ok so why am I holding back, forget the acronym, bull shit... and then I was soo mad that I knew I needed to calm down before I decided to write anything. So this blog is dedicated to all three.

Firstly, let me say this, despite what everyone may think I Love Detroit. I feel as if I became the adult that I think that I am, here in this renaissance city. I have always loved history, and Detroit is one of those cities that is so full of stories, told and untold. In the past decade that I have lived here, there have been so many positive changes that have made me come to appreciate it more and more. The re-development of the city is one of those things that has made me proud to be a transplanted Detroiter. However, despite the fact that we have made great strides, we are shooting ourselves in the foot by not keeping up with other major urban cities by incorporating a comprehensive and citywide recycling program, as well as a solution to the problem of housing the largest incinerator this side of the western hemisphere. Now I can say that I was not one who really was an activist growing up or one who was marching against environmental issues... but when you open your eyes and remove the shades you can see what not being good stewards has brought upon us, just look at the way mother nature has been rebelling recently. There has been a surge in the number of hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, storms, tornadoes, and other natural disasters in the past couple years. And I have a funny feeling she is not finished with us yet...

Well back to the issue at hand-One day last week, I woke up to the sweet stink scent of the sore thumb of the citizens of Detroit, the incinerator. Living less than two miles from the incinerator, at different times of the day, varying on the temperatures, I am greeted with a scent soo pungent that your only recourse is to seek refuge inside your home (with the windows closed of course). This incinerator has fumes that you can sometimes smell all the way to the New Center Area, where the Governor's SE MI office just happens to be located. For all the good that the incinerator does by getting rid of the waste matter, not only for the city but also several of the other suburbs, and providing steam energy for alot of the downtown area, it is also harmful for us the residents who live close enough to be affected by it. The contract is up for renewal and our local goernment cannot seem to come to a decision on what should be done. NB- none of them live in close vicinity likeI do or else the answer would be very simple, shut it down.

Now as to Spirit Airlines, that low cost air carrier that I happen to frequent whenever I am trying to escape the city and its lovely scents, has recently decided to carry over more of the rising costs in airline fuel to us passengers by charging us to pick our seats in advance. When I first saw this new tactic I had to LOL, why? Because I being the very savvy traveller that I am was the very person they were targeting. I hate sitting in the middle on any airplane, I happen to prefer sitting by the window, so that I can cover my head and go to sleep in peace. I seem to never have a problem falling asleep on the plane. Anyway, I would always go online purchase my tickets and with the very next click of tohe mouse I would pre-select my seats. I usually get a window seat close to the front, never mind the fact that I may be the last person to board the plane, it means however that I am one of the first persons to exit the plane, and that's what matters the most... especially if you are trying to make it to the nearest restroom before a line ensues. Well it seems like it has all come to an end, if I am going to be sitting at a window on future spirit flights, I will have to pay an additional fee of $15 or just leave it all in the hands of the airplane gods who randomly choose seats for passengers. This practice is also becoming more widespread with other airlines, so passengers beware, they are really trying to get your money.

Lastly, like we would say in our very urban vernacular, I have to put someone on blast for a hot second...Now for fear of libel I will not name names, but a certain young man who I met on facebook(that ever so popular social networking site that I am addicted to), but knew in passing when I attended college, had the nerve to try and pull the okey doke on me. Now, we had recently started conversing on a personal level and I admit I had started to really like this guy. Now when I start dating a person, I feel like there should be full disclosure, so I asked the pertinent questions as it relates to their current relationship status. For example, question #1 Do you have a current girlfriend or are you dating anyone? Are you seeing anyone? Do you have a homie lover friend? A sexual partner, etc, etc. Ok, so I went through my list of question and this person answered in the negative to all of the above and some more. So qw commenced with the getting to know each other part and got to the stage where we were really liking each other. I went out of town on one of my various trips and came back only to find out that this same person had announced on facebook that they were now in a relationship and surprise surprise that person was not me. I had a conversation via email with this person who told me that their current relationship just"inevitably progressed to that point recently" verbatim. In my mind another load of bull shit from someone who purports to be one of the last good guys out there. Not!!! Never mind they were trying to be in a relationship with me... Well I want to share with you a little post from this person's blog, for someone who said and did something else and basically lied to me, this person felt the need to post this:

"I have always been the type to wear my heart on my sleeve; Easily displaying what I think, feel, say and do. I've had alot on my mind lately in terms of the people I'm associating myself with. It seems like the closer I get to be with some people, the further others seem to drift away. The word "friend" is thrown around loosely. People seem to have a casual attitude about who their boys or girls are. I understand that women hang with their girlfriends and fellas hang with their boys and/or girls, and that's all good. But be careful who you call "friend". To me, friendship is about: Honesty, trust, communication and companionship, which is the foundation of a relationship. Friends are those people that talk with you, confide with you in times of need; helping to keep each other's spirits up. That meaning of friendship is sometimes coincided or confused with "Associate". An associate is someone that you know, and occasionally converse and hang out with. The respect is there, but there's no mental, and emotional/spiritual bond that the "friendship" should include. An associate has a more casual, or non-chalant approach. There's a difference there that people fail to realize; The associates are the ones who come a dime a dozen, real friends are blessings from God.

I want to eliminate those who've shown themselves to be "fairweathered friends": Those who say one thing and do another, or here one minute and gone the next. I don't want to further waste my time being affected by stress/frustration, envy or just overall negativity. "B-Real" is not just a nickname for myself, but its also what I expect from those I know and love. I want to know that you're there for/with me and you want me around, or are we just wasting each others time. I know what I'm about, I know when I see something good and I won't settle for anything less. God has many ways to make His presence known, to make us realize/prioritize what and who we need within our lives. People need to put more consideration to their words and actions. Remember- The attention, respect and love you show shall be given in return. If you're considered a real friend of mine; I love you too and God Bless you.Let me know what you guys think of this Note."

Further evidence that NAS-N***as Ain't Sh*t!!! Need I say more, hope you have enjoyed my latest rant...

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  1. Wow! Spirit Airlines is shady for the seat choice charge. Damn, they already charge for soda and baggage check, DAMN! And "B-Real" is REAL FAKE and foul and wack and lame and shady and a liar and a joke and....SHOULD I GO ON!?
