TGIF or is it really?

Well, it is a brand new day and I have popped another bubble, in other words, the good Lord in his infinite wisdom has seen it fit to grant me another day of life... I woke up at three a.m. and after having only probably three hours of sleep, I forced myself to get back in the bed (okay so I was too lazy to make it back to the bed, I made it to the couch) and sleep for an additional two hours. Which I might add has done me the world of good. Those two, extra hours of sleep has allowed me to not be my usual non-smiling, I hate the mornings , being the non "morning person" that I am. Don't get me wrong I can get up early in the morning if the need arises, but if given the option to laze in the bed till midmorning, trust that that will be the option chosen.

I am typically not a "morning person". Even saying it now, makes me wonder why and who ever coined the term, "morning person" and what does it really mean? I am sure everyone is thankful, or at least grateful for the opportunity to have another day, another day to complete what they have not finished from the day before, another day to dream and hope for the future, another day to just be. So why are you not a "morning person"? The morning brings fresh hope, a new perspective, endless possibilities and the funny thing is we don't think about the fact that a new morning is something we are not guaranteed to have. A morning person as I understand it, is someone who is all cheery and happy when they have awoken in the morning, someone who enjoys what the morning has to offer, whether it be an early morning cup of java or even maybe ahuge breakfast, an early morning trip to the gym or a brisk walk. Someone who is excited for this new day to start. I happen to like the early morning trip to the gym or brisk walk myself , but who am I kidding that has more to do with my quest to lose weight more than it has anything to do with me being a "morning person". If I had it my way all my gym clothes for my morning work out would say, "I'd rather be sleeping", and it would soooo be the truth. But sleeping hasn't been coming easy, hence the reason I am up at ungodly hours filling these pages with the musings of a somewhat crazy and jaded SBF.

But, today is Friday, the end of the work week for most, for the rest of us who must make every day count, not so lucky. I find myself at the festival office at 6 a.m., waiting to start my shift, volunteerism is very big on my list of things to do, and for the past five years I have volunteered for this festival and enjoy seeing the art, the performances and tasting the food offerings of the vendors. But when you enjoy whatever it is you are doing it never really seems like work, does it? So no matter what, I still say, "TGIF"...

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