Obama for Change!

So, I have not had a moment to blog in a while, thanks to my very hectic travel schedule, but I am planning to be back on the ball from now on... But it is just like my diary/journal I never keep up with either.

Ok, so now that Sen. Barack Obama has finally won the delegates needed to secure the DNC's Presidential nomination, the question burning on everyone's mind is, "Who is he going to pick as his running mate?" A good question at that, but no simple answer... In a historic move we finally have an African American nominee, but can we even go one better and have another minority- a woman for VP. Is this country ready for it? I shudder to think... personally I think it is the right time and as Obama's campaign has always said it is time for a change.

In a world where other first and third world countries have had women leaders, like Margaret Thatcher, Benazir Bhutto and Indira Ghandi, a female VP is something that should be considered inevitable here in the US. Now do I think Mrs. Clinton has a lot to offer, yes I do. All of her supporters would be happy for her to serve in the White House, I am sure. But, do I think that she would be the first choice for Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, hell naw. With all the mudslinging that has been taking place since this campaign has been going on, I would not blame him. I am sure there could have been some dignified way to compete, but history has shown that is usually not the case when it comes to politics.

I am of the opinion that the party however, is going to strongly suggest to Presidential Candidate Barack Obama that he choose Mrs. Clinton as his running mate...Would this be good for the party yes it would... and I have been saying for the past year or so that them running together would be the best thing and ensure a win for the Democrats. Now after having sit back on the sidelines for the most of the campaign and kept somewhat mum on the subject, I think it is time for me to speak my piece.

I am however very fearful for Presidential Candidate Obama(yes I like saying it, if you haven't realized that yet), I am of the mind that he is at risk of being assassinated, like JFK. I shouldn't be putting it out in the universe, but I am genuinely concerned for his welfare... and hope that people can let him do what is qualified to do-rule this country.

Well with that off my chest, see you on the next go round...

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