The end of a Historic Week

We have to come to the end of a very busy and significant week in history and also to the end of yet another month, which only goes to show how fast this year has flown by. In two days time it will be the beginning of September, the change in Midwest temperatures, the start of the new school year, (and by the way does anyone know why the school year always starts in September and not at the beginning of the year?)

Anyway I was doing a client's hair and watching some of the political newshows on Sunday morning and we had a very interesting conversation with regards to this year's upcoming general election. And as my big crush of the 90's George Stephanopoulos was hosting I shared with her some of my concerns. My biggest concern thus far is the fact that this year does not even seem like an election year for me, in comparison with the last two general elections (I volunteered for both of them). The political fervor and interest in this year's elections appears to be next to nothing and when I think back to the "Vote or Die" campaign and "Election Protection Organization" days, I firmly believe that there is a significant sense of voter apathy right now (NB. this might only be relevant to us here in MI, but I call 'em like I see 'em). In 2004 we were so riled up and ready to vote, there were signs and placards everywhere, there was no way you could miss that there was an election taking place. This year however, I cannot sense or feel the urgency I felt then, and with what has transpired this week, there needs to be a change and quickly. We have 2 months and 5 days left to do so.

I was glued to C-Span everyday, in fact it's the channel I have on right now and I might be stuck there again next week, trying to gauge what the "elephants" are doing. After watching the "donkeys" all week I was inspired and hoped that others were too, but knowing my generation, they were more concerned with watching any one of the numerous reality TV shows that plague our networks(can't hate too much, during the writer's strike I guess there was nothing else to do but film these nonsensical things) rather than watching our reality truly unfold. "We the people" have finally nominated by majority vote an African American male for the candidacy of President of the United States of America, and I sit here and wonder how many of our parents made their children sit, watch and listen as that historic moment happened, no matter their age... Amidst all the music and revelry that was the Democratic National Party Convention, there were moments of greatness as delegates, elected officials and family members spoke. Notable mentions here would be Michelle Obama, Jesse Jackson Jr., and of course President William Jefferson Clinton, who we all know can 'speechify' himself sum'n awful. When President Elect Obama spoke on Thursday night, I had both televisions in my apt. blaring while I cooked, so that I would not miss a single word he had to say.

Eloquent as ever, Senator Obama accepted his party's nomination and laid out his plan for the next decade, a decade I am hoping that is one of unity and prosperity. However, some of his promises seemed a bit lofty to me, and a bit unrealistic, especially as we cannot truly assess how bad our situation really is until he gets into office, but who am I to question God's purpose for our lives in the future. I am hoping that people are willing to invest in his vision of hope and say "yes we can" and follow through with the appropriate actions to help them become a reality. What he proposes is not impossible, but it will take a lot of work and support from everyone concerned. The issues he has chosen to focus his administration on are those that affect the common people, and rightly so, we are the ones for the lack of a better way of saying it, are at the bottom of the feeding chain and are affected the most by lack of adequate health care coverage, rising fuels costs, social security and education.

The other event of note at the end of this week is Senator John McCain's choice of a running mate for Vice President, the governor for Alaska, Sarah Palin. Yes I am happy to see that a woman was chosen, but I must question the reasoning. Has his advisers told him that you need a minority in order to win this election and totally ignored job experience, is he planning to secure all those Hillary Clinton supporters who were still upset by the results in the primaries? A woman who was the mayor of a small town and the governor of one of the lesser populated states, with less than a full term in her current office has more experience than Senator Obama? His main contention with Senator Obama has been his lack of experience and then he goes and does this? WOW!!! It seems to me that his next speech should start off something like the words of his last will in testament, "I John McCain, being of sound mind and body do hereby state that I am trying to cuckold the nation and have no idea what I am doing and should no longer run for the office of president" A true WTF! moment for me when I heard his choice. I had even said to my client and a couple other friends, if Senator McCain chooses Gov. Mit Romney, the GOP can be assured that they will win MI. And if you have followed the last two elections MI always seems to have a very big part to play in determining the presidency along with OH and FL.

No matter what happens in November, I hope we all make an effort to be a part of the change in whatever way we can...

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