The Littlest Hobo...

After a year away, I was encouraged by a friend to return to posting on my blog, so here's a draft that I have had for some time and decided to post... Enjoy and look forward to my future posts as I rant vent, and wax poetic on the things that I observe and experience as I pop some more bubbles in this thing we call life....

As I was walking down Ferry St. yesterday, the lyrics to this song popped into my head, "...Maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down, ... until tomorrow I'll just keep moving on..." which used to be the Theme song for the kids TV Show, "The Littlest Hobo". I had my own little slumdog moment, right there, where a past experience popped right into my head and was a point of reference for the way I was feeling. Oh and by the way, the show was about this dog who had no home, but kept going around to different homes/families and helping out in difficult circumstances, even helping to solve crimes and protect the families and at the end of the show, he would just leave, look back once and then trot off into his tomorrow. If you grew up in TT, or even watched Canadian or British TV, this show may ring a bell, it used come on around the same time as Circle Square and Kids Incorporated in the afternoons after school. Man kids TV back then was great, we had Super Gran, Dr. Who, Electric Company, and yes by far my all time favorite Sesame Street(the classic one of course, not the one where Elmo took over almost every scene). Anyway, I digress...

I felt like that little hobo, with my handbag, my laptop bag and my weekend case trudging around my old neighborhood, doing favors, dropping off stuff, doing some necessary banking, and enjoying the beautiful day. Had a lot on my mind, but I was thankful, for the small mercies provided. I had spent the last couple days at a friend's place helping out, then I was going to help another friend out and then I was going to put my stuff where I lay my head at night, at yet another friend's place. Hence the littlest hobo feeling... I am moving, and going through this transitionary period in my life right about now, has made me realize how much of a creature of comfort I am, and the fact that I crave stability and normalcy in my life. Relative term that normalcy i; for me it is that repetitious act that you do without a thought in your head. I miss 4732.

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  1. That was a nice post - very heart moving! Poppin Bubbles, I am glad you have decided to come back - WELCOME back!!!

