Winding down after a busy weekend...

Contrary to what is the norm, I am trying to wind down from a very busy weekend, I find myself in need of a nap. It's Monday, and unlike everyone else I am not busy at work, but I am busy, I have so much work to catch up with it isn't funny. I had a plan for how my weekend was going to go, and needless to say it didn't quite work out that way, for various reasons. The most of which included me being in a kitchen, cooking for everyone else other than myself...but nevertheless, I found some time to attend services and that was refreshing and interesting... Usually we wind down on the weekend, not so for me this weekend, and here it is that I am trying to wind down on Monday morning, oh shame!

It's one of those lazy, rainy days too! Ooh boy no wonder I feel like just crawling back into the bed, pulling the covers over my head and going back to sleep... that's what I like to do to wind down, to the point where it has become addictive. Sleep is my drug, I feel like I can never get enough... And for someone who only gets it in spurts, any sleep is something you treasure. What do you do to wind down? Bath, Candles, glass of wine???

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  1. You should know what I like to do to wind down, but I will say it anyway...I like to partake in a nice, relaxing....MARIJUANA session!

  2. Oh Tosh, we know, Like Snoop says, "church"... Sleep will forever be my option...

  3. LMAO @ Tosha.

    What did you cook??? I like to tease myself with thoughts of curried coat and salt fish fritters.

  4. Tease your self away Ms. Thang,
    I made turkey and veggie meat pies with a flaky crust pastry, and I made sandwhiches, with a cheese paste, which you know I made from scratch... all of that was for a kids birthday party, but wait, I know this is what you were waitinf to hear, yes I made curry chicken and samosas and I had some roti that I just brought back from New York. Come to think of it, it is time to make some fritters... got to go to the store, now thanks to you
