Long Days & Short Nights

So much like my journalling, I have been remiss in posting to my blog, but somehow the level of guilt is not the same when I don't blog... anyhoo, like the title says it has been some very long days of late and very short nights. Attempting to get alot of work done and succeeding at failing so well. It is no wonder that I have had and currently still have the same headache for the past two days... As much as I would like to get drugged up and go sleep it off, it didn't seem to work yesterday so why even bother, I doubt it will work now.

Sex scandals seem to be the order of the day in the media now, both locally and on a national level. Now I can't seem to fathom why some reasonably intelligent males who propose to do so much good for their constituents, could be so addled brain to think that they could get away with what they did. The former Gov. S (for Sex) pitzer, (yes unlike some others he has stepped down), is independently wealthy and should survive this, but on a local level I am not so sure what is going to happen. Is it like Jay Z says, "It's the power of the P-U-S-S-Y, that's why every N***a in the world dress fly..." ? Help me here people? This type of scandal has seemed to plague our elected officials through the decades and one can't seem to learn from the other. The old adage says, "What goes up, must come down," and What goes on in the Dark, will come to Light" With the dawn of the technological age, I am not sure why anyone thinks they are safe anymore from scrutiny... even us as private citizens.

Now I have always maintained that K2 was either too dumb or too drunk on power to be thinking straight. When you know you are not liked by many, why would you do or say anything in print or over the airwaves that might be construed as suspect... It amazes me in this day and age where there are so many pick up and go phones (the commercial is catchy-"Ay, Oh let's go"), cricket, metro PCS, etc., etc... Why is it then that K2 could not support his habit/drug of choice, privately. Corporations who give their employees phones, have codes of conduct for cell phone usage in their policy manuals and have always maintained that it is their property. The corporation here is the city and so it stands to reason that the phone belongs to us all. Why not buy a phone, a dedicated line so that you could conduct your personal affairs on that level and not on the backs of the taxpayers? But whoever has it out for K2 (the conspiracy theory he has intimated) sure has a good poker face, cause it has been six years in the making...Now on to the former, Gov. S (for Sex) pitzer, a man who planned on cracking down publicly on the same people he was funding, it is interesting how he was caught. Now this is what I heard on the news, (anyone who knows me, knows I am addicted to the news), anyway, it was reported that his banks noticed that he was transferring funds alot from different accounts and moving stuff around and making payments and suspected him of taking bribes, so they alerted the IR service people. Is that really their job? I am just curious? who's paying the fees here?

Anyway, the good book says, "He who is without sin let him cast the first stone..." I am by no means a saint (I was born on All Saints Day, Novemebr 1st, so I tend to think so myself), if you did it, you did it, admit it and move on, but what I cannot fathom/understand is the denial and the grandstanding. Accusers usually don't accuse w/o proof (of insurance)that they won't get into trouble). Do I empathize/sympathize with their wives? Nope, not really, I cannot relate to the situation for one, and secondly they both knew what they were dealing with and chose their own path, to "stand by their man" so to speak...It takes strength to do what they are doing, don't know if I could be the one... Must be some long days and short nights for them too...

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