Coincidence or Kismet???

I know I have not posted in like forever, but I hope everyone enjoyed their summer! I did and those weddings I mentioned in the last post I published did go off, not without hitches, but they went nevertheless... We are well into the fall season and it is unseasonably warm here on the upper east coast right now, but there is one thing you can depend on every fall and that is the Olive Garden's Never-ending Pasta Bowl Special Promotion... I love Italian food and you can count on them to provide some very tasty mass produced Italian food. Well As most if not all of you know, I moved a couple years ago this month and there are some things that have changed and somethings which have not...

Well I have this really good friend, who for purposes of this post I will refer to as "Hollywood". Well Hollywood and I have had this tradition of going to the Never-ending Pasta Bowl Promotion every single year since we met, starting in 1998. The first year we missed was the year after I moved... This year as soon as I saw the television ads for the Never-ending Pasta Bowl Promotion and I called her immediately, to let her know that it had started and even though we were no longer in the same city anymore, that I still planned on going and she agreed with me too. Well that might be the end of the story, but it gets even weirder...

I kept planning to go to Olive Garden and I kept putting it off, until recently on a trip to Boston, I was visiting with a friend and I decided it was time to go, before the promotion ended. The next day I called Hollywood to tell her that I had finally gone to Olive Garden and continued with our tradition and she told me I was there yesterday too. After further conversation we figured out that not only did we both go to Olive Garden's Never-ending Pasta Bowl Promotion on the exact same day, at about the exact same time (4:00 pm) in two different parts of the country (Midwest and East Coast, but we both had the exact same pasta sauce for our first dish. We could not help but both ROTFL... The coincidence was surreal... We had not conveyed our plans to go to each other, but there we were continuing with our tradition in tandem and it got me to thinking about life and all the things that happen coincidentally or maybe not. I am a firm believer in things happening for a reason and everything in its own time. I have always just smiled at those moments when I felt a sense of deja vu, but this was so different that it merited a fully belly laugh.

Anyway I hope you too get to enjoy one of those moments in life where explainable things happen... It's Another day and Another Bubble Popped!!

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  1. I love this! No matter how far away we are, our love for Italian food will always keep us close!
