Zodiac Sign Scorpio Gets Screwed...

Yeah I said it, Scorpio the zodiac sign, and coincidentally the one I have always identified with, has officially been screwed in the proverbial ass (well actually the tail, but who's really paying attention, except maybe me?) in the new debate that is heating up with the introduction of the newest zodiac sign- Ophiuchus. So, imagine my surprise when a friend of mine calls me and asks me whether or not I liked my new zodiac sign. I was like, "What the hell are you talking about?" Oblivious to all the shenanigans going on, she said go take a look, there is a new astrological sign and now most people no longer fall under the astrological sign that they may have always associated themselves with.

Well damn, ain't that about a bitch! Well for those people who swore by their horoscopes and could not make a life decision without having read their daily, weekly, monthly and annual horoscopes and consulted with their personal mediums... LMAO!! Ok, I don't mean to be mean, but I am such a pessimist and skeptic that I am not one of those people. But you know, do you! If that is what you are interested in, I can't knock it, it is after all your life. Anyway, as usual I digress, the fact of the matter is there has recently been new information put forward that suggests that we have been overlooking the changes in astronomy as the earth rotates on its axis and changes directions with the constellations. This information was provided by a Professor Parke Kunkle, a member of the Minnesota Planetarium Society. For more info you can check out this article at the following link: http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/dpp/news/new-zodiac-sign-chart-ophiuchus-jan-13-2011

Soooo... the new sign, Ophiuchus (Still don't know how to pronounce it, help anyone!!!) covers the dates of November 29 - December 17 and is associated with the mystical animal of the serpent, yes that same serpent that "beguiled" Eve in the Garden of Eden and thus forever changing the history of mankind... So those of you who were previously under the sign of Sagittarius, especially need to check and see what's what. Well in all actuality everyone who pays attention to their zodiac might want to check and see if there has been any changes for themselves. But more importantly for those of you my fellow former Scorpios, did you see that the most significant change in dates for all of the zodiac signs happens to be our sign??? Why is that? The Scorpio zodiac sign only covers 7 days. Yes, I said it 7 days, November 23-29, and that's it! I have to admit I am a little outraged, and I am trying to figure out the reasoning behind the choice of dates. And how does this now affect our choice in mate selection, past and present? Can we really use the zodiac as a determining factor as we date and find our soul mates? I don't know, but as long as it wasn't your only factor I guess you are safe... Think about it for a second and let me know what you think...

It's "Another Day & Another Bubble Popped!"

P.S. This was not going to be my original post, but I just had to put it (my thoughts) out there... so stay tuned!! Muah Smooches!

P.P.S I just thought about something else, what about all those people who have their original zodiac signs tattooed on their bodies? Are they really going to go through with the painful removal of their tattoos? Damn! That shit hurts!!! Laters...

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