To Thine Own Self Be True!

In true Soapy Bubbles fashion, I started writing a post and did not finish, it may not even be relevant anymore, but I thought you should hear my thoughts anyway...

If you are not a sports fan like myself, it means that you might have missed the whole Lebron "King" James debacle last week, as he publicly announced his decision to the world that he was going to be moving to Miami to play for their team, the Miami Heat. "King James", as he is often referred to, chose to make his announcement as publicly as possible in an hour long press conference, which had fans from several cities including New Jersey, New York, and the LA Clippers all on the edge of their seats. In fact, the night of the announcement I just happened to be outside of Madison Square Garden, just minutes prior and you would not believe the frenzy of the crowd waiting. I had to LOL! Needless to say the New York fans were highly dissapointed that he did not choose the city that never sleeps as his new fiefdom/kingdom, in his quest for obtaining that elusive championship ring, which he could not attain during his seven year sojourn in his home state, while playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

His announcement caused a big stir, and had people from all over weighing on what his decision should have been and how it affected everyone involved. Thbiggest rucus however was in Cleveland where they were jersey burnings and the defaming of all things King James in general. (Gives you a true view of a true FANatic)LOL! By far the most un professional response in a long time, was that of Dan Gilbert, one of the owners of the Cleveland Cavaliers, where in an open letter he publicly bashed Lebron and his decision and betraying the team and all of Ohio basically... He promptly got fined and I must admit I was pleased to see it happen. Why? Well in a world where sports personalities are being fined and punished for stepping out of line or sometimes just being human, (to err is to be human or is it to be human is to err) anyway, it was nice to see the people on the other side of the dollar bill being reprimanded for once...

But it made me think beyond all the hype, and wonder, do we still have free choice? Don't we all have the right to choose what and where we earn a living and provide for our families? I firmly believe it was really Lebron's choice, but I personally did not see the need for an hour long press conference, but I guess his PR people did... And it must have been another strategic ploy in building up the King Jmes brand. Even his own basketball icon, the man he has fashioned himself after, Michael Jordan, who he shares jersey numbers with felt that his choice was wrong. But everyone's situation is different and we should respect their decisions to live their lives the way in which they choose. It will go down in history and the most televised free agent signing in history.

Need a laugh, check this out...

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